Meeting Agendas

Weekly Planning

30 minutes each Monday to define the product and engineering teams’ priorities for the week.


  1. Review the major priorities for the Tech team for the week.
  2. Identify the Bat for the week (see rotation).
  3. For each major initiative the team is working on:
    1. Review the hill chart (description / internal link).
    2. Each person working on the initative (product managers and engineers), presents an overview of what they’re aiming to accomplish for the week. Receive feedback and adjust as necessary.
  4. Triage tickets without an owner assigned.
  5. Triage tickets with a due date.
  6. While the whole team is together, cover any important announcements for the week (upcoming team meetings, events, etc.).

Weekly Engineering Metrics Review

After each team’s planning meeting, we meet as a full engineering team to review important engineering metrics and take action as appropriate.

  1. Development Process (First week of the month)
  2. Performance


15 minutes every day to identify blockers to in-flight engineering work and facilitate cross-team collaboration on shared goals.


  1. The Bat shares the Shortcut board.
  2. Each engineer discusses:
    • What they worked on yesterday
    • What they’re working on today
    • Any blockers, unknowns, or concerns they have


30 minutes each week to identify ways to improve engineering process, goals, culture, etc.


  1. (Throughout the week) Folks add discussion topics to the “New” column of the iteration board
  2. The Bat presents the iteration board
  3. Discuss progress on active topics
  4. Discuss new topics
  5. When time allows, review snoozed topics

Tactical Notes

  • Time Limit - We try to keep conversation for a single topic limited to 5 minutes. This ensures we can get to all topics on the board. For productive conversations that go beyond 5 minutes, we should take an action item to hold a separate, targeted meeting to continue discussion.
  • Topic Areas - Topics discussed at the iteration meeting should be wide-ranging. Everything from highly executional items (e.g. CI configuration) to abstract topics (e.g. cross-functional collaboration) are encouraged. Half-baked topics and problems without solutions are also welcome!

Design Discussion

A monthly timeslot to discuss operative software design decisions that may be impactful for the entire engineering team. The goal is to disseminate context across the team, identify pain points in proposals, and generally improve the design of our software systems.


  1. (Prior to meeting) Solicit discussion topics from the engineering team.
  2. An engineer presents a technical design topic and leads a discussion on the decisions needed.

Brown Bag

An hour scheduled monthly to align on medium-to-long-term vision & strategy for both the engineering team and Wunder at large. The agenda for this timeslot will change depending on the nature of the topics discussed. Common formats include:

  • Open Q&A with team or company leadership
  • Product roadmap review
  • Presentation and knowledge sharing from a business team

Demo Day

A monthly timeslot for engineering or product to show off / demo a feature, product, idea, code, etc. There are no hard requirements or constraints for demos. Be as prepared or unprepared as you’d like. If we don’t have any demo volunteers at Monday planning we’ll cancel the meeting.

Sign up on the sign up sheet.